This is how the project Befriending against loneliness goes

Mediation of the persons concerned

Project Befriending matches people affected by mental health issues with volunteers to form a friendship. At the same time, those affected should be in a reliable therapy, otherwise the volunteers always end up in the role of the therapist.

The registration of affected persons is done by their therapists or by themselves at Service Phone 0174 1941801

Placement of the volunteers

Volunteers usually become aware of us through the agencies Gute Tat, Tatendrang and Aktion Mensch or through this website. In any case, please contact our project coordinator at so that we can have a personal introductory conversation with you. We will discuss the course of the project and answer all your questions. For the mediation of the friendship, age and gender are our match criteria. Whether the chemistry is right remains to be seen. Sometimes we also arrange for two volunteers to work in tandem. If the placement works out, the volunteers are to become members of the association according to the statutes, without contribution, but with the possibility to have a say and to cooperate. Many volunteers also do this with great success.

First meetings

Volunteers, affected persons and, if necessary, therapists arrange the first meeting. We ask after four weeks at the latest. We take intensive care of the new couple, also within the framework of the “Befreunden Intensiv” project funded by the Mental Health Foundation of the DGPPN. Our privacy policy must be noted by all whose contact information we store. If the first attempt did not work, we will try a new placement. The coordinators of the project can always be reached at We arrange regular phone calls. Unfortunately, our virtual office cannot yet offer fixed phone hours.

Our hiking project Www Hiking together against loneliness is furthermore a low-threshold approach to get to know each other, reachable at

What do you do together?

You can arrange the weekly contact completely freely: From going for a walk, visiting the cinema, theater or museums together to simply “just” talking – everything that friends like to do together. Meetings can be weekly or bi-weekly. Under certain circumstances, telephone contact may also be sufficient. New communication media such as sending pictures through Whatsapp or Instagram can enrich friendship.


What are the criteria for selection?

Age and gender have priority. Chemistry and hobbies we try to take into account

What can I do with my new friend?

Anything fun: drinking coffee, restaurants, movies, concerts, theater, hiking, biking; walking the dog or whatever you like to do together

What happens if the friendship mediation doesn’t work out?

Then you turn to We talk to you and the volunteers and help. Sometimes a new mediation must start.

How often should the meetings between the friends take place?

This is free. It should be regular. However, the contact should be at least with email, phone or social media every week. And you make reliable appointments and cancel them in time, just like with friend:inside

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Always at We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Do you have liability and accident insurance?

We have liability insurance. The Bavarian Volunteer Insurance has set up accident insurance for volunteers.

What should I do if I don’t get along well with the person?

First talk to each other. If that is difficult, contact us at We mediate, clarify, help or accompany a separation.

Should you talk about the disease during the meeting?

Sometimes you have to, mental disorders have something normal like any disease, but it should not become the main topic.

What are the restrictions on meetings due to the Corona Pandemic?
Current regulations must be followed for all types of meeting.

Quotes from friends

“I only keep in touch with my girlfriend by phone so far. A personal meeting has not yet been possible. However, I believe that regular contact is of great importance to my girlfriend.”

“I don’t even feel like I’m doing something voluntary anymore. A real friendship has developed.”

“Last winter, we canvassed all of Munich’s Christkindl markets together and warmed our hands over hot cocoa.”

“We always go for a walk together, and at the end we have coffee together.”

“Watching a serious movie in the theater? I can’t handle that yet!”

“I had the feeling that in the beginning the conversations were quite one-sided. You first had to gain trust and get to know the other person. At first there was just “small talk.

“It’s not the disease that’s the issue, it’s everyday life”.

“I found out about the project from the newspaper. For me, the decisive factor was that I can use my time very flexibly.


In addition to the always possible contact via, there is the possibility to visit the open consultation hours in house 7 at the Schwabing Hospital of the Isar-Amper-Klinikum. Weekdays 10 to 11:30 a.m. without registration. At the beginning of the “friendship” it should be discussed whether therapists or relatives should be contacted by the volunteer in case of emergency.

Regulars’ table

After the pandemic, a regular meeting for the volunteers is held again. This regulars’ table offers the cozy opportunity to exchange experiences and ask the coordinators questions about specific problems.

“The work of the various helpers is always centered in the monthly regulars’ meeting.”

“You’re not just a number, you get personal attention.”

“You’re not left alone.”

“In case of emergency, you can count on professional help around the clock.