We found it on the Internet at Start – iFightDepression [DE] and copied it for you.

The iFightDepression® tool is an internet-based. guided self-management program designed to help people with mild forms of depression cope with symptoms. If your family doctor or psychotherapist has referred you to the iFightDepression® tool and you have a personal user account, you can log in here.
How to get the user account: We have received the following information via contact email:
Approved physicians and psychotherapists can complete a webinar at the following website: https://ifightdepression.com/webinar/ After that, access to the program is granted and patients can be invited to use it.
There is also a study on this in the renowned journal Nervenarzt. Julian Schwarz et al (2022) “iFightDepression” in the inpatient setting. Neurologist 93; 459-467. As a result, 67% of the 78 participants in the study wanted to continue using the tool after their hospital stay.
There is also a lot of information about depression on the website.
It is worth the visit.