Women power in the Pfaffenwinkel

Our hiking guide Silvia sent us the following report:

Our group for the hike in Pfaffenwinkel consisted of nine participants. No, I’m not gendering – there were actually no men there!

We started relatively late on Sunday morning and took public transportation from Munich to Münsing in comfort. There, right at the bus stop, we made the acquaintance of Loriot’s funny bathing men. And with this beautiful beginning and a lot of good humor we started our varied hike.

There was a lot of conversation. However, in two languages, because we had visitors from England. And so the idea was born to start a learning group, not for English, but for Italian or a conversation group. Let’s see if we can do it!

After a few pigs greeted us at a farm with good country air, we came across a small path to the Lüßbach, which with its brown water reminded us that there used to be a bog here. This was unfortunately drained, so that only in a few places the original moorland is still recognizable. The trail ran along the Lüßbach stream to the shore of Lake Starnberg, where we took a short break and fortified ourselves with the snack we had brought along. We then hiked along the shore for the next few kilometers to Ammerland and indulged in drinks at a rustic inn.

From there it was only a few minutes to the bus stop, so we got quickly and without delay to the S-Bahn and from there back to Munich.

The comments of the participants were very positive across the board. Especially because the area was new to everyone and still uncovered. And those who were with us on the first weekend in October at the somewhat strenuous hut hike, we were the others happy to be able to hike quite comfortably on the flat. However, we missed Susanne, who would certainly have told us something interesting about the area. Well, in two weeks there is another hike on. I am already looking forward to it!

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