Hut magic

Our participant M. sent us her impressions of the hut hike to the Neue Magdeburger Hütte near Hochzirl in Tyrol:

We left Munich shortly after eight o’clock by train to Murnau. Due to the closure of the railroad line between Murnau and Garmisch, some patience was required, as the diversion to the SEV with corresponding waiting times and three times change was necessary.

But the effort and patience paid off in the end, because especially the train ride from Mittenwald to Hochzirl was fantastic – especially the section just before Hochzirl with the spectacular gorges. Once we arrived in Hochzirl, we had to be patient again until we finally found the way to the hut.

Slowly but steadily we went up on narrow paths, passing alpine pastures and numerous weekend cottages in beautiful locations. Shortly before the New Magdeburg Hut, the forest that had been reached in the meantime repeatedly allowed views of the beautiful mountain panorama.

Even if the climb was very nice and entertaining, but all were glad to have the effort behind them and the flag of the hut at over 1,600 mtr. to see.

Here the climb is still comfortable!

The welcoming cabin welcomed us with the cozy warmth of a wood-burning fireplace. Which everyone was happy about, because at this altitude it was quite cold – not least due to the drizzle that constantly accompanied us upwards. A hot chocolate helped one or the other to warm up inside as well.

After a tasty dinner with Kasspatzen or spaghetti Bolognese,salad, soup and dessert, we took in our room with four bunk beds. Some went straight to bed, others finished the evening with games.

The next morning we wanted to climb the Kirchberger Köpfl. Unfortunately, Silvia’s navi led us in the wrong direction. So we walked back a fair bit of yesterday’s path without getting on the right track. But the spectacular view – even the sun could be seen in parts – was compensation and compensation enough.

After we arrived back at the hut – without having climbed the Kirchberger Köpfl – it rained heavily for about an hour. Around noon we dared a second attempt – and lo and behold – we found the way at the first go. After a strenuous climb and about 300 meters of elevation gain, we reached the summit of the Kirchberger Köpfl with another spectacular (almost) all-around view of the already snow-covered peaks as well as Innsbruck and the Inn Valley.

After an enjoyable break, the larger part of our small group headed down with Silvia in the opposite direction. Difficult it went 300 hmtr. downhill again and into the unknown … Because once at the bottom, it was first exposed with wire ropes to hold on. No one knew how many such places had to be overcome to reach the hut and whether worse was to come. After a short time the second obstacle came with a ladder and so four of the hikers decided to start the arduous and exhausting way back while the two bravest (Silvia and Carola) entered the uncertain experiment and continued on unknown paths. Thank God everyone arrived – exhausted but safe – in time before nightfall at the hut. Pure adventure!

The other morning, everyone was more or less sore. So everyone was happy about the comfortable forest path down to spare the insulted muscles.

Conclusion: A wonderful (adventure) trip with nice people – some I was allowed to get to know first. I am already looking forward to the next tour. Thanks to all, especially to Silvia, who had the main work and the courage to try new and unknown things.

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